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Kitty Hanna's '79 latest film FOUR WINTERS - the Bravery and Resistance of the Jewish Partisans in WW2, 该剧于1月在芝加哥首播. 四个冬季 has been accepted for consideration at the academy awards and has graciously accepted the Humanitarian Award at the Hamptons Film Festival. 观看预告片: http://fourwintersfilm.com/trailer

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好奇的探险家. 包容的合作者. 创造性的传播者. 至关重要的思想家. These four core competencies make up the pillars of what is called the Portrait of a Latin 学习er. 该项目是教师参与多年过程的结果, 管理员, 学生, 家长和Alumni. How did this project develop, what is its significance and how it will it be used in the future?



这幅肖像被确定为2019年Latin Leads战略设计的一个概念. 这份文件列出了任务, 愿景, 价值观和战略才能为企业的成长创造最佳条件, 健康, 和每一个拉丁语学习者的成就. 该项目在大流行前开始, when a group of Latin 老师 began exploring how they could flesh out the strategic plan, 阿什·汉斯伯里报道, 计算机科学系主席. The project took a back seat during the pandemic but then was revitalized by the former Head of School, 兰德尔·邓恩, who asked Hansberry to be the point person and lead the team which would draft the portrait. Hansberry招募了教职员工, 菲奥娜Deeney, 低年级计算机科学与技术集成专家, 阿德里亚娜杜兰特, 高中舞蹈, 凯莉·怀亚特, 中间 School French to join the Portrait team and the group set to work with ideas. 


肖像团队希望他们的工作能够得到数据的支持. 马克斯·劳斯, 中学助理主任, and leader of the 学习 Team indicated that all constituencies (parents and families, 学生, Alumni, 教职员工)提供了数据. 例如, parents were surveyed and asked what skills their 学生 were learning that would prepare them for the future. 中间 school 学生 were invited to create a billboard indicating what made Latin special to them. “每一份数据都经过了检查,成为了画像的一部分,”劳斯说. “我们在寻找主题.“另外, 该团队研究了其他组织,包括大学的数据, other K-12 schools and workplaces to be sure that the portrait compared well with what other organizations expect from young people. 

这些主题最终演变成了能力. 2022年初夏, the 学习 Team began drafting a prototype which provided descriptors and examples of ways that 学生 demonstrate the competencies. After numerous drafts, the portrait was presented to 老师 and staff in August of 2022.  


The portrait is meant to be the cornerstone for any type of learning that takes place at Latin. 劳斯说:“我们正在努力统一我们与学生使用的语言. “The document provides somewhat of a road map of how to construct and refine programming and learning.Hansberry补充道, “长期, we want to be able to use this portrait and competencies as a through-line between all of our programs and curriculum.“另外, the portrait is meant to be applicable to all age groups, explained Rouse. “学生可以在任何地方学习拉丁语.” 

下一步涉及到实现. Hansberry indicated that certain departments and 老师 are experimenting with the portrait already. 例如, 在高中, the college counseling department analyzed their goals and then created a document that comports with the portrait. 教职员工的专业发展计划在春季进行. 

...we want to be able to use this portrait and competencies as a through-line between all of our programs and curriculum.

鉴于这幅画像多年来的发展, 汉斯伯里指出,这幅肖像画不应该被视为一次性的. ”而不是, 我是这么想的, 这是一种对齐吗, 一个反思和目标设定的过程.” Hansberry noted that as implementation occurs, faculty and staff may identify more needs. 画像团队对可能发生的结果修改持开放态度.  

劳斯渴望看到未来的人像如何影响编程. 他说:“对于新项目来说,画像将帮助他们与使命保持一致。. 他设想这幅画像将有助于开发项目, 新程序的语言也将进行调整,以符合画像. “这将成为启动新项目过程的一部分.”

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每年, 学生 in 1st through 4th grades explore different book awards in the 较低的 School Library. 读者将了解委员会如何为实现共同目标而共同工作, 如何用批判的眼光分析文学作品,投票过程如何进行. Award units culminate in the Latin Book Awards assembly where winners are announced to the entire 较低的 School. 查看2023年 模拟图书获奖名单

一年级学生学习 君主图书奖伊利诺伊州为K-3年级学生颁发的“读者选择奖”. 帝王蝶被选为“象征着成长”, 成为一个读者所带来的改变和自由.“我们读了很多精选 , challenging 学生 to think critically and familiarize themselves with a variety of 书 and their creators, 最终投票选出他们最喜欢的书. 今年,我们和 周五晚摔跤大赛 由J.F. Fox和Micah Player还有 电梯 Minh Lê和Dan Santat都获得了该奖项!

二年级探索了 为奖, given annually to the artist of the most distinguished American picture book for children. We read six contenders for the 2023 为奖 and discussed ways in which the 书 are excellent in quality, 设计独特, 以及艺术家们创造了一个完整的“哦哇”的非凡成就!对我们书架的贡献. 当读者们透过表面看问题时,他们会扭动自己的批判肌肉, choosing not only the book they like the best but one that meets the parameters of the award most fully. 今年学生们选择了 骑士猫头鹰 克里斯托弗·丹尼斯为他们赢得了Caldecott冠军!

三年级庆祝 科雷塔·斯科特·金奖, presented to authors and illustrators of African American descent whose works promote an understanding and appreciation of the "true worth and value of all beings." We read 6 distinct fiction and/or nonfiction picture 书 highlighting African American culture or history looking for excellence, 信息和灵感是我们“哦哇”的标准!“CSK奖获得者. 经过阅读、讨论和辩论,三年级委员会做出了选择 摩托车女王贝茜 查尔斯·R. 小史密斯,. 夏洛特·克里斯滕森获得拉丁CSK奖.

四年级的时候深入钻研非虚构类书籍 Sibert奖. Students read 6 书 featuring distinguished writing and illustration with a clear and accurate presentation in both text and illustration. Readers look closely at the informational contenders and vote using criteria that make them say, “哦哇!最终,四年级委员会做出了选择 《蓝色:像海一样深、像天一样宽的颜色的历史 获胜者是Nana Ekua Brew-Hammond和Daniel Minter. 

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三年来第一次, Latin's math department hosted the 中间 School Math Contest in person on Saturday, 1月28日. 芝加哥共有11所学校参加了这项年度竞赛. 瑞格利剧院里挤满了参加颁奖典礼的学生、教练和家庭.

Latin's 中学 学生 performed extremely well with five teams earning team awards across all four grades and four 学生 earning individual awards. 每个年级的前三名个人和前五名团队将获得奖项. 罗马人祝贺! 



4: 数学的山羊 (米娅,阿拉夫,艾薇,史蒂文)

2: 成功之源 (Ryan, Eli, Nivi, Sybella)
4: 数学Pi-Rates (格雷厄姆,德万,鲁迪,内森)

5: Algebros (Kaitlyn, Sonya, Arlo, Milo)

2: 等一下割线 (贾欣,詹姆斯,罗欣,阿什姆)


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